U and U Geriatric Care LimitedU and U Geriatric Care LimitedU and U Geriatric Care Limited
(Monday - Saturday)
Rumuogba Port-Harcourt.
U and U Geriatric Care LimitedU and U Geriatric Care LimitedU and U Geriatric Care Limited

Dr. Ununuma Oguzor

Medical Director

Dr. Ununuma Oguzor

Dr Ununuma Oguzor (BSc. Human Physiology, MBBS, FWACP) is a Fellow of the West African College of Physicians, a Consultant Family Physician with special interest in Geriatrics. She graduated from the prestigious college of Medicine, University of Nigeria Nsukka and has over 15 years of clinical and managerial experience.

Over the years, in the course of her clinical practice she has been endeared to the elderly population and this led her to University College Hospital Ibadan where she sought further training in the care of elderly and obtained a Basic training course in Geriatric care.

She has continued to hone her geriatric caregiving abilities by attending various courses thus helping the elderly manage their symptoms and engage in their activities of daily living, thereby emotional well-being and enhances the quality of their lives.

She also helps families navigate their challenges in elderly care through both direct care, referrals and support strategies.

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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)
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