U and U Geriatric Care LimitedU and U Geriatric Care LimitedU and U Geriatric Care Limited
(Monday - Saturday)
Rumuogba Port-Harcourt.
U and U Geriatric Care LimitedU and U Geriatric Care LimitedU and U Geriatric Care Limited

Home Care plan

What is our Home Care Plan?

Home Care Plan

The Home Care service would require our trained care givers to visit the home of the elderly at least once a week offering Medical Care, Personal Care and Companionship Care.

A monthly evaluation would be caried out by the medical personnel and appraised by our Geriatrician. This report & recommendations would be forwarded to the Elderly’s Sponsor (Child or Guardian who pays for the service) at the end of each month.

Activities to make up the visit include:

Medical Examination - Blood Pressure Check, Temperature Measurement, Pulse Rate, Respiratory rate, Blood Glucose Monitoring, Check for drug refills etc.
Personal Care - Grooming, Exercise & Mobility, Cleaning of immediate environment where Geriatric sleeps/stays.
Companionship care - Indoor games, Newspaper reading, Chitchatting with care givers.

Days for visit would be arranged with the client.

A detailed activity and medical report are prepared and signed off by the Geriatrician and shared with the elderly’s sponsor weekly.

Other Add-on Services include:
Tele consultation
Panic button service
Minder service
Cab rides to the clinic

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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