U and U Geriatric Care LimitedU and U Geriatric Care LimitedU and U Geriatric Care Limited
(Monday - Saturday)
Rumuogba Port-Harcourt.
U and U Geriatric Care LimitedU and U Geriatric Care LimitedU and U Geriatric Care Limited

Recreational Care

Recreational Care Services

This service offers seniors the opportunity to participate in engaging and enriching activities that promote their physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Activities involved include a rich blend of recreational and engagement activities which are not limited to:

Book Reading
Aerobic Sessions
Art and Craft
Health & Wellness Talks
Age appropriate fun games
Medical Examination
Physiotherapy (On Demand)
Transportation (Pick-up and drop-off services can be arranged)

The Videos and photo gallery of the Opening Ceremony of U&U Geriatric Recreational Centre, Port-Harcourt is available here.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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