U and U Geriatric Care LimitedU and U Geriatric Care LimitedU and U Geriatric Care Limited
(Monday - Saturday)
Rumuogba Port-Harcourt.
U and U Geriatric Care LimitedU and U Geriatric Care LimitedU and U Geriatric Care Limited

Umashime Oguzor-Doghro


Umashime Oguzor-Doghro

Umashime Oguzor-Doghro holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Port Harcourt and an MBA from Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland.

She is a Partnerships, Sales and Relationship Management expert who has garnered over 16 years of experience in the Insurance industry.

Umashime is an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria, Associate of the Risk Management Society of Nigeria, Associate Member of the Institute of Sales Professionals, and a Volunteer Peer Educator with UNICEF.

Her interest in geriatric care was sparked by her love for her grandparents, and she is passionate about seeing the elderly happy and healthy.

She obtained an Alison certification in Elderly Care and Caring for the disabled (CPD, UK accredited).

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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